Our Leadership Team is led by Our Elders, the Pastor, and the congregation.   Under their leadership our congregation proclaims the word of God, maintains and extends our resources, and connects us to the world in Mission.  These four individuals help our congregational leadership to grow and thrive in its good news proclamations and service through mission. Our staff includes an Office Administrator, Church Musician, and Custodian/Property Manager.
Our pastor is Rev. Dr. Howard Law (Pictured here with his wife, Christelle).  Pastor Howard Is an experienced servant of Jesus Christ with over twenty-one years of ministry and mission service. He holds degrees from Oral Roberts University, Grand Canyon University, and Bakke Graduate University.  
Our Church Office Administrator is Christelle van Vollenhoven-Law.  Our administrator is in the overseer of how all our ministries and mission intersect and are scheduled.  All our published materials in print, on the web, and projected in worship goes through this office!  
Our Church Musician is John Lambert.  The church musician is responsible for playing in our worship services and directed our music ensembles.
Our Custodian/Property Manager is Cindy Goldsmith.  Cindy has been our gate-keeper for several years during which time she has loving cared for our building and seen for its upkeep, maintenance, improvements, and scheduled its use for non-congregational events by the community.  She is very familiar with all our schedules, events, and missions.  She is a long term resident of Frankfort and often points our way to community needs in Frankfort and its surrounds.  .
Within the congregation, our dedicated leadership is led by our Board Officers (elected yearly)  and our Elders (elected in rotational three-year terms).